Israel has no right to discriminate

Jeff Moses

    So, Palestinian only bus lines in Israel, and naturally the USA is just going to sit back and allow their little military base nation to do whatever they like.

            Excuse me Mr. Obama, but what would you be saying if Arizona suggested a Mexican only bus line? Well with your current track record of deportations you might just support it.

            But seriously a man who is constantly compared to Martin Luther King Jr. is really just going to sit by and allow Israel to institute bus segregation?

            I guess it should come as no surprise considering America has allowed Israel to violate international law time and time again, and still support them financially and militarily.

            I’m very aware that Israel has perpetrated far greater atrocities on to the Palestinian people than just bus line segregation, but good god America’s first black president is just going to sit idly by while one of our ally’s openly supports a tactic used by racist politicians during the Jim Crowe era?

            Of course I realize that the United States government has no control over a foreign nations policies, but they do have control over how much money and aide we give to foreign countries. Perhaps now is the time to turn the faucet off in Israel.

            One of the first arguments in a Zionists repertoire is some appeal to the past atrocities the Jewish people have faced as an excuse for what they now do.

            Let me be the first, and most likely only person to say this, the Holocaust was terrible but it doesn’t grant the Jewish state the right to do whatever they please.      

            If people feel it does. Fine, than I say we allow any black person that wants to go to South Africa and kick a white family out of their home and use it for their own.

            It just doesn’t make sense to me that a people who were put through genocide, would use brute force to steal another cultures land and put those people through what many consider to be genocide.

            Before someone jumps to calling me an anti-Semite, I happen to be Jewish by blood on both sides, I went through Hebrew school, a naming, a bris, and a Bar Mitzvah. I even have relatives who died in and survived Auschwitz, I just don’t use it as an excuse for barbarism.




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