Cartoon by Casper Savoie

The millennial depression

Every generation holds something that is collectively significant to those who lived through trends, scandals, and societal norms and while people who have experienced the Great Depression have all the reason to be sad, it seems like us millennials created our own great depression in internet form.

Who decided that we all should relish in our depression together?

If I ever find myself sulking in my sadness, the practical thing to do is consult a counselor but the generational thing to do is search memes that illustrate what I am feeling and if that doesn’t work I’ll seek out the twitter universe so that other people will give me the validation of feeling like garbage.  

After all, a group of people comfortable in their depression is better than believing you are alone in your struggles.

Until the rupture of encouraging sad culture becomes the one thing that is keeping you from getting better. Yes it is okay to not be happy all the time and to want to express those unhappy moments, but not when those posts are just enabling you to be sad forever.

This type of online jargon has turned into a universal joke and I don’t think anyone realizes the negative affect this trend has on our psyche. Dark humor crosses the line when some of the “I hate myself” posts become lethal to the person behind the computer screen.

Misery can never be satisfied without company unfortunately. While it is all fun and games for most people, the need for being depressed is extremely dangerous in the long run.

Unlike those from the mid to late 90s, this generation is born into this advanced internet age which means that kids all over the world could possibly be consumed by the result of this sad unity we have created for ourselves.

Personal diaries that were once so secretive have now turned into an open canvas for anyone to see vulnerability. The problem is being able to determine what information you should keep to yourself and what is appropriate for others to read.

Calling yourself ‘trash’ is not going to make you feel better about your self-esteem nor will it encourage you to learn how to practice self love.

Enduring self love is teaching yourself affirmations of words that are not only meaningful to you but also show positivity. The more we succumb to accepting this destructive diction online, the more our self worth becomes tarnished, making it that much harder to not feel melancholy.

Humor is way for people to cope with their tribulations which makes ‘sad culture’ so addicting and for one second your misery is met with a smile.

But when does it just become an excuse to dwell?  

The more you give in to this negative side of culture the more your life starts to mirror those comments and posts online.

I find it strange that memes about being sad and depressed are more relatable than motivational content.


  • Janae Thompson

    Writer and opinions editor at The Mesa Legend. I previously started my career as a student writer.

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