The reasons why you don’t keep New Year resolutions

Sebastian Miguel

Before the start of the new year most of us make very ambitious goals whether it be ways to better ourselves, form healthy habits, or even clean house of all the people in our social circle who tend to make our life miserable.

In this day and age we refer to these as New Years resolutions.

Unfortunately, in reality most people don’t stay committed to their newly formed decisions for  more than two months.

We slump right back into our old habits before we know it.

Although making a New Years resolution may seem like a great idea we often don’t understand the process of how to approach such a task.

It seems the way in which we set up our goals may be the very reason why we struggle so much to achieve them in the first place.

We are setting ourselves up to fail from the beginning and don’t even know it.

The goals we set are too vague.

We have all had that moment of suspense where we say to ourselves “I’m going to lose weight” or “no more smoking,”

These are all great and very worthwhile causes but they could also be too big to begin with.

The dilemma unseen is that we rush into them way too fast; like immediately chomping down into your favorite ice

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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