Remembrance of those who defend our freedom

Cassie Fincher

In the early morning of the 9/11 anniversary I heard my dad rustling around looking for our flag to put out. Being as it was so early in the day, I ignored his commotion and went back to sleep. Once I woke up I decided to drive to the store. As I did I noticed that our flag was the only one out on my street of some 24 odd houses.

Seriously? It was only 8:30 a.m., so I cut them a break. It was a miracle that I was up that early anyway.

When I went out again around noon, I took a drive through the neighborhood. Why was every other street that I came across an exact replica of my own? Why, on such a patriotic day, was there such an absence of good old red, white, and blue?

I could only think, what is wrong with the community?

Nine years ago, America was disturbed by an act of terrorism and since then we have never recovered.

We have lost thousands of men and women who felt it was their job to support the freedoms for which the United States were founded on. These are men and women who have chosen to not only risk their lives, but leave behind loved ones, opportunities, and the comfort of their own beds.

Since then our tax dollars have been spent supporting this fight against terrorism.

Since then our Afghanistan veterans have slowly been coming home after missing out on years of their lives in the land of the free.

Don’t even say that you didn’t think about putting a flag up to represent your support last Saturday.

It is because of these brave Americans that you can live comfortably in your home.

I found it sickening that no one in my neighborhood felt the same way as my family.

Why was it that people would only spend a minute to make a 9/11 post on Facebook, and felt it wasn’t worth the time to hang a flag?

Is that the effort they expect from our troops, or do they not even concern themselves with the danger they willing put themselves in for our freedom?

I am proud to be an American, and try not to take my freedoms for granted and use them to their fullest.

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