Legend’s View:

The world is such a connected place now-a-days. Besides googling who sings that song you heard on the radio or reading the Wikipedia page on Justin Bieber, the Internet has radically changed how we communicate.First there was e-mail. Now, sites like Facebook and MySpace are the prefered way to converse among teens and 20 something’s.

Users create profiles, a sort of homepage, that includes all sorts of information. People post their work history, their date of birth, their hometown, and even their likes and dislikes.

Many people have started to catch on and have made their profiles privated, so only their friends can see their personal info.

But the term “friend” is used rather loosely here. A “friend” on Facebook is merely anyone who you’ve added to your friends list or had requested you as friend.This does not necessarily mean they are a friend. Many could only be acquaintances or only friends during work.

Those people can learn an awful lot about just by looking at your profile. Besides the obvious information mentioned above, they can see who you’ve been talking to as of late.

They can study your pictures and see what you look like in a plethora of ways.

Anyone can tag you in a photograph and all you can is delete the tag. So, once a picture of you is uploaded, it stays and floats around in the world of social media.

This is scary, what these “friends” and acquaintances can ascertain about you in mere minutes.

It is not uncommon to see someone’s profile and they have 200 or more friends. How many of those people do they talk to on a daily basis? Or even on a monthly one?

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