Cougars are out on the prowl, 40 is the new 20

Ashely Lawson

The growing popularity with older men seeking younger females has lead to the release of cougars into the wild, or in this case, Scottsdale. A cougar (see also: hunt, corner, pounce) is a woman over the age of 35, who is on the “prowl” for a much younger, energetic, up for anything male.

The cougar can commonly be seen with botox’d features, silicon breasts, paired with flashy heels, propped up against any uptight bar in “The Dale.”

This cunning female is intrigued by men between the ages of 19 and 25, by definition, that would make them cubs.

Cougars go about their techniques of trapping a mate in a more mature fashion.

It is not unusual to find her in her habitual hunting grounds: Suede, Axis Radius, Tempe beach park, etc; waiting, surveying; gearing up to sink her claws into any innocent young and beefy male who happens to cross her path.

She rarely broadcasts her intentions until her prey is already in her BMW, headed toward her condo at the Scottsdale Waterfront.

It is this elusive behavior that earns her the name “Cougar.”

Though the behavior of men seeking younger females is more accepted by popular culture; society typically frowns upon these sly women in search of young man candy.

“I don’t get why cougars get such a negative reputation when older men do the same thing and are congratulated,” MCC student Jason Fritz said.

Many college males prefer the older ladies to na’ve college girls for pure experience aspects.

“I’ve never encountered personally a cougar, but it sounds fun and I wouldn’t turn it down,” MCC student Paul Roseberry said.

Though, younger guys don’t always fall victim to the pouncing cougars.

“Cougars are too sophisticated, the girls I’m attracted to are not the Scottsdale MILF type,” ASU student Steve Bailey said.

Female students applaud these 40 something women who pick up the 20 something guys.

“The bad rep associated with cougars is slowly turning around, especially with the new show “Cougartown” with Courtney Cox Arquette, I love it!” ASU senior Elizabeth Chavous said.

Cougars have been spotted throughout entertainment history in such classics as “The Graduate.” Some would say Mrs. Robinson is the ultimate cougar.

In older episodes of “Desperate Housewives,” Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria) played a perfect cougar hunting high school student and part-time gardener John Rowland (Jesse Metcalfe).

“I’d definitely date Mrs. Solis,” Roseberry said.

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