America’s presidents viewed as heroes

Jeff Moses

After seeing the Pro-Obama supporters outside the Intel campus in Chandler a month ago and the Republican constituents outside of the Feb.22 Mesa debate, I have come to the conclusion that there is a major problem in America.

Presidents in this country are not looked at as civil servants but instead worshipped like godly heroes.

The Democrats in Chandler refused to hear the fact that our current president has dropped more bombs on innocent civilians than any other Nobel Laureate ever.

The members responded by saying, “I don’t know anything about that.”

When presented with the fact that Barack Obama not only signed but wrote parts of the controversial NDAA 1867, move on members responded by saying “Well, I just don’t believe that.”

Finally, when told that Obama had taken in more money from Wall Street than any other candidate, the move on members covered their ears and shouted “lalalalalalalala” to avoid hearing anything negative about their beloved hero.

On the GOP side of things, Ron Paul supporters at the recent debate took to the streets drowning out all other noise by yelling “Ron Paul, Revolution!” They were clearly delusional because their leige uses the word on his campaign signs even though voting and revolution are polar opposites.

Moral right-wing supporters of Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich have to ignore the fact that good old Newt divorced his second wife after she contracted Multiple Sclerosis because she wouldn’t consent to an “open relationship.”

Rick Santorum speaks for himself.

As for Romney supporters, Romney seems to me to be a white, Mormon Barack Obama and we all see how well he worked out.

The point is, citizens of the United States need to stop looking to presidents to be Superman and save the day and start seeing them as public servants who, if ignored, can go awry.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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