Another act of choice being stripped from us, mandating healthcare

Amanda Smith

As the middle class gets smaller and the dollar is worth less each year, the federal government fights to keep the mandatory healthcare bill while many others fight against it. The Supreme Court continues to deliberate. With such controversy you know it’s either got to be a really good idea or a really bad one.

Nearly 1000 pages long of healthcare reform, essentially putting lots of people out of business is not my idea of good reform but a bad way to improve things.

Arizona Congressman Ben Quayle stated that “healthcare premiums are rising at nearly double the rate they were before the legislation was passed.”

He then said “the Congressional Budget Office estimates that…by 2022…20 million people will lose their employer based healthcare coverage because  of Obamacare.”

I am fortunate enough to have benefits with my 30-hour-a-week job and therefore have health insurance. However, if it wasn’t already in my contract I know I wouldn’t have health insurance.

Especially in the young vibrant college student bracket, many of us do not need health insurance. In 2014, we will not only be forced to have it but our current insurance will increase substantially to level the playing field. I have already noticed my rates increasing.

If my employer drops my insurance, causing me to pay out of pocket, I won’t be able to afford it. However, the government has basically threatened punishment if individuals don’t have health insurance after 2014.

Am I understanding this correctly? What government takes away my choice to have health insurance or not? To me, a communist one.

I don’t believe our country is communist but I feel it is going in that direction and the unfortunate thing is we are gullible enough to listen to the wrong people.

The more government involvement we incur the more control and less individual freedom we have.

One thing I do agree with is that our healthcare does need reform. Approximately 18 million people that are uninsured can’t afford the insurance or simply prefer not to have it.

It’s also unfair for someone like me who honestly pays health insurance but has rising costs because people who don’t have insurance get free care.

One-fifth of the nation’s health care costs are from causes of obesity alone. Scary thought.

There is also debate about how many non-citizens get free care as well. We do know it happens.

There are just too many unconstitutional items in the Affordable Care Act including the violation of States’ rights for it to be passed. That is why it was brought to the Supreme Court in the first place.

Other presidents in the past have failed when they sign unconstitutional bills, let’s hope Obamacare fails too.

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