Going green: it’s not a new revolution

“Going green” is one of the most revolutionary trends sweeping our nation and the rest of the world.It’s all about environmental issues, global warming news, and tips and practices you can implement in your own household, school, or community.

These tips include simple, everyday tasks; such as recycling your cereal box when it’s empty rather than tossing it, or not littering.

Although these are simple tasks, they have grand effects that we are now, thankfully, recognizing.

Global warming is, and has been, a topic of concern for our world for many decades, but now more than ever, it’s an issue that requires a lot of attention.

Why is it that we waited so long, though?

If the scientific evidence has been around for decades, why didn’t we collectively solve these problems years ago? Why does it need to become a popular trend for someone to take action?

As far back as 1979, there are documents to be found on the internet of World Climate Conferences stating scientific evidence toward Global warming, the greenhouse effect, and its possible negative impact.

Too much time passed, and these impacts are now evident to any common person; many people are now realizing they may have been a part of the massive deterioration.

Weather-related economic damages have consistently increased, and scientific studies show that carbon dioxide and atmospheric methane gas (powerful greenhouse gas) levels have dramatically increased over the past century because of human actions.

Sadly, it’s the simple things. Driving our cars, our plastic one-use water bottles, leaving the lights on, flicking a cigarette out the window; things that are only one swift action.

Because our climate is now changing so dramatically, each of these actions piled on another creates one big mess, and colossal changes need to be made to correct them.

Although the problem, supported by evidence, presented itself many decades ago, nothing was done to solve it.

Today, even taking just one action can be helpful for our environment, but more drastic solutions must be found, and everyone must participate to make it happen.

Each person must understand the importance of dedication to finding solutions for the sustainability of the planet.

Unfortunately, it took a mass social trend to motivate this revolution, but as long we’re on the move.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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