GOP now has new masters in Tea Party

Nothing is free. Everything comes with a cost.The republicans may have forgotten these basic concepts during the latest midterm election.

While they have advertised themselves as the fiscally responsible party since the Reagan years, they still desperately sought the help of the Tea Party express to secure themselves control over the House of Representatives.

If the Tea Party is all about smaller government and cutting the deficit, and supposedly so are the republicans, why did they pander to the political organization?

The question is mute at this point, because the republicans did all they could to appease the Tea Party, and will now have to continue this trend to please them. They have embraced the group with open arms and clenched them close to their bosom.

There is a very fine line between cutting the fat out of something and cutting a vein. The Tea Party doesn’t represent the majority of America.

Desires to cut unemployment, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid have been uttered by high-ranking Tea Party members all over the nation.

George Bush experienced a gigantic backlash when he tried to privatize Social Security during his presidency. It’s very hard to believe that the American population wants to completely eradicate these programs.

Running a lean and efficient government is never a bad goal. It keeps corruption to a minimum when money is always going where it’s meant to go and there is little of it to embezzle without anyone noticing, but there is a limit.

Does the Tea Party know the limit? By the looks of things it seems unlikely, but the republicans still let them into their bed. They have to answer to the Tea Party at the end of the day.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

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