Legal system cannot compete with advancing technology

Jacqueline Bernatt

A bill introduced to the U.S. Senate back in July would make text messaging illegal while driving nationwide.According to the constitution, state jurisdiction encompasses all powers of regulation and control over property, individuals, and enterprises within the territorial boundaries of that state.

Meaning, it is up to the states and not the federal government to police United States citizens.

How is the federal government going to get away with telling the states what it wants them to do? By cutting federal funding of course!

A part of the proposed bill would include a 25 percent cut to the annual highway budget to any state that would refuse to enforce the law.

It’s the same way there are now national laws regarding .08 blood alcohol content for a DUI.

Technology is evolving faster than our legal system is able to keep up.

It is at this time in societal development that personal responsibility becomes most important.

Before getting in the driver’s seat one must realize what they are doing, the risks involved, and the precautions to take. Those who don’t use common sense behind the wheel are going to get into accidents.

But, should the necessary solution to insure our safety be government incursion on state rights and personal liberties?

The government should provide personal and economic security, not be an overbearing babysitter.

Talking to other passengers in my car, listening to the radio, or drinking water could all qualify as dangerous distractions while driving.

Should we make them a misdemeanor crime behind the wheel of a car, as texting would be if this bill is passed?

No one denies that texting while driving is dangerous. But, it is an issue that needs to be dealt within the boundaries of each state.

I’d prefer any level of government stay out of my home and my car, but I’ll feel a lot less riotous about being told not to text in my vehicle if it is the state of Arizona doing so.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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