‘Magic: The Gathering’ a pastime for MCC students
Andrew Sandoval
Mesa Legend
“Magic: The Gathering” is a trading card game created by Wizards of the Coast; an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes. The goal of the game is to defeat the other player by depleting their life total from 20 to zero using a deck of 60 cards or more with creatures and spells as a means of attack. Magic is highly intellectual, with many rules and wordings that define and can redefine the parameters of each match. This game was not invented for children and was originally targeted towards an older audience being marked at 14+. Players of today range from ages 16 to 35 male and female alike. Wizards of the Coast are always adding more content to make sure the game stays fresh.

Whether one is a newcomer or a returning veteran, there is a place to to jump in and play and with all types of players at MCC. In the Kirk Student Center by the Grounds for Thought cafe, there is a corner that is as active as any football field or Call of Duty match, where students have gathered to play and experience in an assembly of fun through games. Some students play their Playstation 3 on the big screen, a few others are scattered across clicking away at their laptops, but the main group sits at the center table playing trading card games; from Yu-Gi-Oh and Vanguard to other more alternative games like Weiss Schwartz an anime based card game and everything in between, including Magic.
Magic is probably the most popular game that is played at these tables considering it is the most popular trading card game to date, even more so than Pokémon at its peak. An MCC student, who asked to have his name withheld, explained why he likes to play “Magic”. “It’s a fun game with great variability that stays consistent to its core mechanics all while adding new elements to keep it interesting.” It’s fun for me to see how other people’s strategies play out and what I can learn from each match to improve my own decks and strategies,” he said.
Another student said he started to play simply because he saw others here playing. Some players are more casual just looking to enjoy a match or two in-between class. While others might be a bit more competitive and competent of the workings of the game, they may tone it down when playing with less experienced players. Either way the group is receptive, so if one wants to try their hand at a game of “Magic” it can be found at the Kirk Center.