Millions Moore’ for the anti-capitalist

Lisa Kane

Michael Moore always has a heartstring to pull when it comes to America’s political issues, and his newest documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” tugs hard.Currently in theaters, the film explores the root causes of the global economic meltdown; and the newest theory? Capitalism is the evil that’s driving us underground.

Moore, as always, has an obvious talking point that nobody can disregard, seeing as our nation is going through a serious recession right now.

The easiest thing to blame for this is, of course, the government.

So, he proceeds to find and interview random families who are representative of our nation’s debt, and tell their distressing, life-altering story of the government policing their home and kicking them out.

This isn’t far from the truth, the facts of the matter show that we are all sinking deeper and deeper into debt, people are losing their homes all over the country, and even the largest corporations are equipped with a life raft.

But Michael Moore fails to mention that the real reason for our debt is the government’s debt to other nations.

As the government feels pressure for paying their debt, they raise our taxes, claiming we must all band together and “help our nation.”

I don’t want to pay for the mistakes I didn’t make.

And to wrap up his saddening interviews, Moore proposes an awkward solution to the evil capitalism: more government programs such as the proposed socialization of healthcare.

How can we have more government programs if the government doesn’t have any money?

Perhaps our system of capitalism has become corrupt, but it’s more a product of corporate giants and too much government involvement.

The problems that Moore dignifies point out a much larger problem, a corrupt capitalist’s system preparing to socialize its people to save themselves money.

Socialism, purely defined, is a system of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

How can the people of America want something like this? Do they even know what it really means, how it could affect their lives?

I decided to take a trip around campus and do a little Michael Moore style snooping of my own to see how our generation views socialism, as you can read below in the students observing and scrutinizing.

I sat down at different tables around campus and asked students around me how they would define socialism, and if it were something they’d support.

The results speak for themselves- a collective nation of individualists doesn’t make sense as a sentence, let alone a way of life.

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