U.S. doesn’t need ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

Our country has fought its fair share of battles when it comes to equality amongst people. Perhaps it is time for another revelation in our country for equal rights toward gays in the military.

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is discriminating against a specific group of people and violating the first amendment, the freedom of speech, which all Americans are entitled to.

Not being allowed to state who they are as a person and express their personality violates this right, and being punished with a dishonorable discharge for suspicions of one’s sexual orientation is unlawful.

These people are voluntarily opting to risk their lives so the rest of America can remain at peace in their homes, and yet some are choosing to deny them the privilege to serve our country openly.

Why can’t they be who they are and be accepted in the eyes of those who can sit comfortably in their homes because of their sacrifice?

Who are we to judge these brave men and women for confidently putting everything on the line to defend our freedoms?

We have no place to dictate whether or not these people whose difference is often invisible to the eye can participate in such an act of patriotism.

Why is someone’s sexual preference such a dictating factor when deciphering whether or not someone is eligible enough to serve their country? A straight person’s actions are just as unpredictable as a gay person’s, so why do we choose to believe that gays are all alien to our perception of people?

They are just as American as the rest of the soldiers in the Army. They are protected under the same laws, abide by the same rules, and follow similar lifestyle patterns as all of America.

It is time that we give them the opportunity to take pride in something that they desire.

Being a soldier and being gay shouldn’t be a matter of one or the other.

It should be a matter of defending the freedoms that everyone equally receives under the laws of the Constitution.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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