Basketball player shows determination on and off the field

photo of Aaron Bartlett Sports Editor
Aaron Bartlett
Mesa Legend

Humble, kind and determined are three things that describe Mesa Community College Women’s basketball player Kylie Herd.  Born in Phoenix, Ariz., Herd has a mother, Rebecca, father, Norm and sister, Kendra.  “The reason I choose to come to Mesa Community College was that I had decided I wanted to play basketball in college somewhere. After not receiving any looks from schools that I was interested in going to I decided to talk to a former teammate, Madison Austin about her experience at MCC,” Herd said. “After talking with her I decided that MCC was where I wanted to spend the next couple years developing my skills.”

Currently Herd is a physical therapy/kinesiology major with the goal of playing basketball at a university, and then entering the field of physical therapy.  According to Herd, education is defined as the process of gaining knowledge to further yourself in life.  In declaring her major Herd has set some goals for herself this season such as being able to play basketball at a division I school after playing at Mesa and also maintaining a 3.7 GPA throughout school.

Balancing school work and playing basketball can be hard sometimes but Herd said “I have always been pretty decent at school so it hasn’t been too much of a challenge for me, I always make sure that I get my work done and not procrastinate when studying or doing projects or anything of that sort.”  Herd would like to give this advice to all MCC students; complete work ahead of time, that way you won’t have to stress about much, use Rate my Professor, take advantage of all extra credit opportunities and to join as many clubs and programs at MCC as possible.

In Herd’s life so far the biggest accomplishment she has had was winning Nationals last year at MCC.  According to Herd, some people may say that college athletes have it easy because school is paid for and they don’t have to work for much. This is far from the truth because being a college athlete is a full time job itself, it is much more physically demanding than any job she has ever heard of.

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