MCC student government finds voice, reaches out

Their mission statement is to be the student’s voice, but no one’s been talking. Perhaps the MCC student government has failed to ignite enthusiasm among the student body in the past, but now it seems like it’s taking a turn for the better.

During the student government election last spring semester, Betty Jo Lenhart was the only candidate who ran for student body president.

This time around the Associated Students of MCC (ASMCC) are working enthusiastically to find new and more creative ways to reach out and boost participation in the upcoming student government election.

They recently took a poll asking the student what they want to gain from their duration at MCC and to find how many of them know about the ASMCC student senate.

The results are not yet in, but communicating on a more personal level indicates a much-needed attitude of progressive thinking within student government.

Changes have also been made for the benefit of student candidates.

Beginning this year on Feb. 25, students must declare their intent to run.

After that date, they then have a period of time before they are officially elected where they can see how student government is run, attend meetings and events, and overall, “Make sure that it’s right for them,” said Jhennicea Morrow, Vice President of Communications.

ASMCC is also building new revenues of communication by strengthening relationships with faculty departments throughout MCC.

“Faculty members know the students better than anybody,” said Program Specialist Doug Shumway. “As student government builds a relationship with the faculty, we will be able to help students more effectively.”
While the ASMCC is organizing and preparing for the final elections around April, why should students have any interest in participating in MCC’s political and social agenda?

“Former MCC government members have given us feedback on how much being a part of student government has helped them succeed in their future careers,” said Shumway.

The mission for ASMCC is to be the student’s voice and it looks as though they are working hard to find out what that voice is supposed to sound like.

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