The election needs to end

Dominic DeCono

The election needs to end.


It has been nearly 18 months since both Governor Romney and President Obama declared their candidacy for President and every day the majority of what you hear on the news is election related.

I can assure you that 99.99 percent of people had made up their mind on who they were going to vote for months before Election Day and at this point it seems as if everyone is just waiting for the results.

There is absolutely no reason to drag out something longer than it has to be.

But it isn’t just about the fact that the media keeps throwing this crap in your face day in and day out that is bad about how long the election goes on for, it causes things that shouldn’t be relevant in an election to be relevant.

For instance, the amount of money spent on this glorified popularity contest.

Almost $3 Billion dollars have been spent combined by both political parties and Super PACs to sway voters into how the other side is garbage.

That is not helping to inform an audience of who the better candidate is, that is how you publicly degrade somebody and tarnish any shred of integrity a candidate might actually have.

18 months for an election process is beyond too long, and there needs to be a change that can be helpful and hopeful.

 If the candidates could only work with a limited number of resources and only had a certain window of time to work with to best prove their case to voters, the negativity and deception would have no part in the process.

If a candidate only has time to show who they are and what they can do for voters, Americans might actually get a candidate worth their vote.


  • Mesa Legend Staff

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