The success of Vemma may be more than just a pyramid scheme

By: Marissa Villarreal

Some students hope to achieve jobs throughout college and more often than not, find themselves busing tables or flipping burgers but companies out there like Vemma hope to get students working on building opportunity and growth in industries that create their own revenue.

Vemma is a health and wellness company founded by CEO BK Boreyko and his family over 14 years ago in Scottsdale, which has become recognized for their healthy energy drinks and supplements.

Vemma’s mission is to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

“I saw that most people knew that supplementation was critical. I thought people would get ‘pill fatigue’ and so I had a liquid supplement formulated,” Boreyko said.

With a number of people in over 50 countries involved with Vemma’s company, more and more college students are drawn into the hype.

“I had a buddy about a year ago talk to me about Vemma and it took me about three months to sign up. I was that skeptical person who said it was a scam, it wasn’t going to work and sure enough a month later I was all wrong and wish I joined earlier,” said Vemma Affiliate and Chandler Gilbert student, Tyler Oshea.

With the success of the company booming, there has been much criticism as to the method of Vemma’s work, many claiming it to be similar to a pyramid scheme.

“People think that we’re a pyramid scheme all the time because those are the people who will join the company, sit on their butts, and expect the money to just pile in because they hear all the success stories so they think they’re going to magically become one too but it doesn’t work like that,” Oshea said.

“People who think we’re a pyramid scheme don’t understand our business model or they don’t understand the definition of a pyramid scam,” Boreyko said.

Although some have their doubts about the company’s progress Oshea believes there is no denying it works.

“So basically you buy product and give a few samples to your friends. Show them what a great opportunity it is to make money and get them signed up buying product. The more people buying product every month the more money you’ll make!” Oshea said.

Pyramid scheme or not, Boreyko’s success has taught student entrepreneurs to work hard.

“It’s a ton of work and people will hate on you if you do become successful,” Boreyko said.

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