MCC hosts fourth annual Festival of the Arts

photo of the writer of this opinion Joshua Bowling
Joshua Bowling
Mesa Legend

The annual Festival of the Arts greeted MCC’s theater lawn on April 2, showcasing the talents of several artists from the MCC community.  Artists – students and faculty alike – were able to set up shop and peddle their goods to anyone interested. In addition to the visual art being sold and showcased, several musical performers were given time to display their talents.  Ange McNeese, a fine arts major at MCC, had her artwork exhibited at the event. Art, McNeese said, is something which she has loved for most of her life.  “Art therapy really is what really started me into becoming an artist,” McNeese said. Art, she said, is something which has consumed her, becoming more than a hobby.

The highlight of the festival, McNeese said, was getting to watch the performances. “That was super neat, actually, to have live flamenco guitarists.”  McNeese is on track to graduate from MCC in May, and is planning on participating in the school’s upcoming farmer market, as well.  Her online storefront is available at  Danielle Pajak, staff in the art department as well as an artist, showcased her work at the festival as well.  In addition to her individual pieces of art, Pajak recently completed “Elijah: A Graphic Novel.” The book visually lays out the biblical story of Elijah the prophet and his repartee with the prophets of Baal.

Students visit various art vendors during the Festival of the Arts event at MCC on April 2.
Students visit various art vendors during the Festival of the Arts event at MCC on April 2.
TANIA RITKO / Mesa Legend

“It’s my original work, but the story’s adapted from the Bible,” Pajak said. “So it’s very spiritual, symbolic, very conceptual, I wanted it to be very full of color and texture.”  Graphic novels, Pajak said, are an underrated medium. In a desire to bring the art form more exposure, she undertook the project for “Elijah: A Graphic Novel.”  Pajak has set goals for herself as an artist, and desires to make the most of her art.  “I hope to become a movie concept artist, and move to California,” Pajak said.  Pajak’s work blog can be found at and her novel is available for purchase on

James Schwarz, a mixed-media artist and student at MCC, showed up and sold his ceramics at the festival, as well.  “It’s my first time selling my work in public,” Schwarz said. “It’s been going really great.”  Schwarz started his journey as an artist in theater, but moved to media installations – doing interactive artwork through technology.  “It’s weird because I’ve just kind of been working backwards, towards more traditional media,” Schwarz said.  The traditional media, Schwarz said, helps him express himself more than the previous methods he purveyed.  “I’m going to be doing a lot more of ceramics, getting bigger pieces,” Schwarz said.  In addition to ceramics, Schwarz also exercises his artistic talents through photography.

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