Police Brutality Oddly Funded by Taxpayer’s Dollars
Ryan Garner
If we analyze most of the versions of history that have been edited into our textbooks, we will find that when our police force is beating, clubbing, pepper-spraying, tear-gassing, or otherwise attempting to silence people or instigate violence at peaceful protests, something must change.
The most insidious facet of fascism would be its unique ability to parade, in disguise, behind the uniforms of the boys in blue.
A few members of the editorial board, myself included, who were present at the Sleepy Seven (See Occupy Page 4) had the pleasure of watching over 80 police officers form a silent wall of ignorance as they carried down orders from headquarters (where no doubt, some contemporary form of Big Brother is calling the shots).
Fortunately though, Phoenix has had it relatively easy. Minimal violence, no tear gas – yet – and the billy clubs have remained holstered.
However, other locations haven’t been so fortunate.
I’m truly ashamed to call myself an American after watching videos like the police attack at UC Berkeley.
When I see this kind of police brutality, I shudder at the notion that you and I are responsible for paying these thinly veiled Nazis their wages.
As I watch the batons fly, whilst young men and women peacefully standing up for a cause they believe in are beaten down like enemies of the state, I feel a solemn wave of disgust and regret slowly wash over me.
It’s a creeping numbness: This jaded apathetic state we’ve de-evolved into.
I am deeply saddened to watch our brainwashed Gestapo police force as it attempts to crush the free spirited and courageous youth that have finally decided to step up and try to change this sinisterly crooked system.
Just ask John “Pepper Spray” Pike, the now-infamous lieutenant who has become an overnight Internet celebrity for unleashing an entire can into the faces of students (yes people just like you and I) at the movement in Davis.
Stop ignoring what is right in front of you. Look up police brutality and watch for yourself.
Unfortunately, thanks to the possibility of government paid fake anarchist usurpers, or “Black Bloc” cops, authorities are even more zealous and have more of the ammo they need to shut down the Occupy movement, along with our voices, once and for all.
I was hoping I wouldn’t have to say this, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”