Students opt for certificates

It can be a tough decision when it comes to choosing which college to attend, especially when there are so many degrees and programs out there.
Mesa Community College offers over 150 programs for students to earn 2-year degrees and a variety of certificates. Not only does MCC make it easy to decide on a academic career path but all of the 2-year degrees offered are transferable to the public 4-year Arizona universities including many private institutions as well.
For students who are more interested in technical competencies or who aspire to gain additional skill in a specific academic area, MCC offers the Certificate of Completion (CCL) and Academic Certificate (AC) programs.
The CCL is a program which allows students to meet academic requirements for entry-level positions within particular industries or trades. Students can earn a CCL in computer programming, fire science and emergency medical technology.
Kelsey Eglinton completed a CCL in fire science. “I enjoyed the program because I was able to get a jump start in the career I wanted,” Eglinton said.
The AC program is intended for students who wish to fulfill further expertise in academic fields such as sustainability, women’s studies and child and family professional development.
“Students who sustain certificates are usually already working in the a field or working in some type of business. ” said MCC Academic Advisor Miranda Halkini.
College offers many opportuities, whether it is a degree or certificate program.
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