Student street style transitions from Spring to Summer

Photo of Michelle Chance writer of this opinion
Michelle Chance 

As the temps rise, fashion on campus warms up in preparation for the end of the semester. Sabrina Molleur (1), describes her style as “casual and cute,” while wearing a bohemian off-the-shoulder top and denim shorts. Commander-in-Chic, Dallas Summers (2), said he bought his camo ensemble from Express.  Lauren Krech (3), said she labels her style as “experimental”. Tyler Ellis (4) got his outfit from Foot Locker and Tilly’s.  Vanessa Lara (5) has a taste for urban style and funky backpacks.  Steven Allison (6), describes his style as a “mixture of streetwear and formal stuff.”

Photos by Tania Ritko

Sabrina MolleurIMG_0140Lauren Krech Steven Allison Vanessa Lara Tyler Ellis

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