T-Bird is here to save the day
Andrew Sandoval
Mesa Legend
Look out it’s a shooting star, it’s a plane, it’s Deadpool falling out of a plane no wait it’s a giant thunder bird crashing down from the clouds and pumping up the crowd for miles around. Thor burst out from within his egg in 1974 after the old Hokam mascot went into retirement, since then the T-Bird has been flapping his wings and making those bird calls for all of our MCC sports teams and fans. You can catch sight of this magnificent creature in his natural habitat at any major Mesa Community College event or maybe you can spot him pecking at his favorite pizza over in the T-Bird café. Of course with Thor working for a school he is a highly educated bird spending lots of his leisure time in the Red Mountain Library but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy goofing off every once in while with a game of super smash brothers or taking flight and heading to Hollywood for some cinematic adventures.

One of the many great things about Thor is that he loves to see people helping out one another and getting involved in the community, Thor bases the goals of his life by outputting that same inspiration, a noble cause for a noble bird. It can be a difficult finding the T-Bird in person he can be quite an elusive creature and if you have trouble tracking him down you should go through his handler and booking agent Edward Willenkens who would be more than happy to set up and appearance of the T-bird. So just remember if you happen see a red blur in the sky or find a giant feather somewhere on campus have no fear, for it is only our mighty mascot, the Thunder Bird.