What’s your Pregame Routine?
Absidee Sanchez
“I just listen to music; I just have a playlist, and I’ll play it before a game, but nothing to specific, though. Mainly like rap, hip-hop, that type of genre. I think one thing that I really do is pray before a game. My family is really religious, and so just praying is something I do before a game.”
Brittany Walkingstick
“I like rock music. It’s nice, pumps up the blood. I don’t like eating before a game usually, because it doesn’t set in my stomach very well. If I do it’s like a granola bar, an apple just because of the natural sugar.”
“…i like to really look at the field know how the winds going, how the sky is, if there’s any clouds. Other than that, I like to feel the dirt and like to play.”
Kaia Langaker
“I like to be in a super hyped and happy mood, so I listen to super positive music, and I like to talk and cheer everybody on, and it gets me hyped up. Honestly I like throwbacks before a game, because it gets you into the jamming mood, and I know all the lyrics and everything.”
Jaden McDaniel
“Before a game, I like to listen to really pumped up music, too, normally like rap music or songs I can sing with my teammates. I don’t like to eat a lot. I make sure I eat something very specific. Normally I eat a toaster strudel, and I don’t know why it has to be a toaster strudel on gameday. I think that’s it, just music and a toaster strudel.”
Zack Wagner
“Kind of weird, but I like to drink a Monster right before. I like my caffeine; kind of gets me hyped up a little bit.”
Jacob Bavarro
“I usually just listen to hyped up rap music, and then we have our basic routine that we do every day. It’s more of the mindset I put myself into in game that will change depending on what the game is.”
Zane Pollon
“When I get here, we go stretch as a team, do our bands, do our stretches and we play catch. Just relax, stay calm, focused. I’ll go behind the dugout and have …ten minutes alone and think what has to be done.”
Elijah Henning
“I’m actually Catholic, so I say some prayers before a game, pray for strength. In high school I tore both my hammys, so I like to stretch a lot just to prevent injuries. Go through all the normal stuff, stretch, throw.”
Denae Preuhs
“My thing is I have to listen to calm music to keep me calm so I don’t get overly hyped, which that wouldn’t be good if I was…but just like calming music to help relax and clear my mind.”