Austerity on horizon if no action taken

The View

   It is definitely not uncommon to hear an MCC student say “I don’t care about politics,” and with the circus that capital hill has become who can blame them?

            But as of March 1, something so major has happened with the budget that even the most apathetic of college students should stand up and take notice.

            March 1 was the first day of the national Sequestering, $85 billon is being taken out of the national budget which has led to millions being taken out of state budgets for everything from military readiness to medicade.

            Of all the multi-million dollar cuts that Arizona is going to have to endure the most staggering might be the $17.7 million cut to the forty-eighth worst educational system in the country.

            If you also count the $10 million cut from aides for students with disabilities that is $27.7 million coming out of Arizona’s school system.

            Also, do not think these cuts are just for K-12, the cuts will also amount to just about 2,300 less low income students receiving financial aide, and about 330 less work-study jobs.

            So while Obama blames the GOP and the GOP blames Obama, and neither one neither concedes any ground nor takes a pay cut, once again the most needy of American people, students, and the elderly are going to feel the brunt of the cuts.

            There is a word floating around Europe, and this word is so powerful it brought Greece to its financial knees, the word is austerity, look it up in the dictionary, Google it, do whatever you do in those sorts of situations.

Acquaint yourselves with Austerity, because if our generation doesn’t do something RIGHT NOW, austerity is going to be in our future.


  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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