Second Friday debuts on-campus nightclub and art sale to raise funds for students
A safe nightclub experience with artwork for sale, music and food will be held on a monthly basis to provide funding for MCC student organizations.
A safe nightclub experience with artwork for sale, music and food will be held on a monthly basis to provide funding for MCC student organizations.
Here’s what pro-Palestinian protestors said outside the ceremony at the Desert Financial Arena in Tempe
Here’s what MCC graduates said about their journey that led to receiving their degree alongside supporters.
The 2024 MCC graduating class were given words from keynote speaker, First Lady Jill Biden.
More than 540 students were expected to walk across the stage at Desert Financial Arena to celebrate their degree from Mesa Community College.
AZLEOS and MCC organized the annual charity flag football game to benefit first responders and students.
MCC demonstrated training programs in place for students in the field of manufacturing and construction.
Star Wars cosplayers greet guest at Battle of the Badges charity event
The latest of Janet L. Yellen’s visit to Mesa Community College updated by the minute.
Yellen will tour MCC’s campus to view training facilities meant to prepare students to enter the workforce.