Coming on Wednesday the Midday News!

The Journalism and New Media Studies program invites the community to learn more about the pathway to a degree in journalism during our Midday News session on Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Mesa Legend newsroom, EF-2N, at the Southern and Dobson campus.

Midday News is open to anyone interested in becoming the next era of storytelling. It will include hands-on workshops and presentations on

  • the courses to enroll to obtain a journalism degree
  • the behind-the-scenes look on how the news works
  • reporting for the Mesa Legend
  • how MCC students prepare for internships
  • the best approach to transfer to a four-year-university.

It’s an event filled with information about starting the process of becoming a multimedia journalist.

Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

A flier is attached, so please share it with classes, student clubs and organizations. Registration to attend the Midday News event is highly encouraged.

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