Deviating is better than following

The View

Deviance is defined as an action or behavior that violates social norms.

Society has engrained normalcies into our head since day one of life.

We are expected to follow and abide by these norms, with no deviation.

When someone thinks about deviance, they often have a negative connotation or image that comes to mind.

Criminals are considered deviants because they veer from a set regulation or rule within their society.

People who have piercings or tattoos are also considered deviants because they simply look different than the average person. 

Dressing with a punk or gothic style is seen as deviant behavior because of how different it is to “normal” dress.

This does not mean that criminals should not be punished for their deviations, but why are others publically humiliated when they choose to look different?

Tattoos are taboo in many work places, yet employers want individuality. Why does society get to decide who we are and how we want to live our lives?

Didn’t our founders deviate from their society in order to build our free world?

There hasn’t been a single public figure in the modern world that has not broken some barrier and deviated from the norm. President Obama, Sally Ride and Michael Sam all stepped away from what was expected and chose to be what they wanted to be.

Without their bravery, many people would not be confident enough to step out of their metaphorical closet and be their true self.

It is inevitable that people will stick to norms because that it was they are comfortable with.

It is the way we are raised and there is a sense of safety with sticking to non-risky choices.

A lot of places and people would have never come to fruition of their creators did not deviate from the written rules of societal living.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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