Feeling fear doesn’t mean a lack of courage


The View

What often comes to mind when we think of bravery is someone with great stature, rugged looks, and who is built like an ox.

From legends of old to Hollywood movies, we are bombarded with an image of how someone who possesses courage should ideally look.

However, physical appearance

has very little, if anything, to do with courage.

History paints us a picture of many who have courageously fought, strived, and even died to defend those things which mean so much to us.

Courage comes in all shapes and sizes.

But do those who have led by example of what it means to stand up for what is right, really not feel any fear?

Whether it is social activists such

as Martin Luther King or entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs they took risks to show what courage could bring about.

We should remember that standing up against evil is more important than necessarily defeating it.

At times when we do stand up for what is right, many others will follow.

Many examples from past wars have shown that being brave is more important than thinking you will walk away safe or that you will even come out alive.

We should not think of those who lost their lives in a battle for good as the one who lost but who achieved victory for demonstrating such selfless courage.

An act of courage is not necessarily done by those who feel brave

when they do it but true courage is accomplished by those who feel fear and yet act anyway.

We shouldn’t let fear control our lives. Courage doesn’t mean that we need to jump on a grenade or shout in the streets.

We can face our fears by venturing into the unknown in any area of our lives.

When we care enough for something our passion and love should never mind fear.

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