Let them tie the knot

Ashley Lawson

Please take my opinions for what they are, my opinions. You can be angry with me, or happy with me, and if I upset you, that’s an unfortunate situation but I’m already over it.

Please, just don’t throw a bible at me, I already know what it says. Word on the street is that the United States has a little problem with two people of the same sex rejoicing in the institution of holy matrimony.

However, people are clearly going to do what they want.

Our culture has been growing into one where it’s cool to tolerate people’s differences.

Society is advancing its moral belief systems with the exception of gay marriage. I just don’t understand how there’s still an issue over two homosexual people signing a marriage license.

There are worse things out there than two people loving each other and wanting to document their love with the government and be recognized as a legitimately married couple.

Four states have already jumped on the bandwagon and have legalized this controversial matter.

Massachusetts was first then Connecticut, Iowa and Vermont all followed. Why are only these four states an exception to the trend of being against gay love?

Someone must’ve pissed off California, because with the passage of Proposition 8, gay marriage is no longer an option for Californians.

This may sound like a cop out because most writers are completely one-sided but I’m still riding the fence and I do respect what the bible says.

And apparently my homeboy Jesus is not down with the movement.

I don’t not agree with it and, I’m definitely not saying its wrong or right. I’m just saying I accept people’s differences and I also respect a person’s right to choose who they love and want to be married to.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

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