Library offers free calculator check out
By: Michelle Chance
Math students can check out a graphing calculator for a period of 3 hours, free of charge at both MCC
campus libraries. “It can leave the library, but it’s for in class use only,” said Azul Go- mez, librarian at the Southern and Dobson campus. “The reason I did this is because I knew that some stu- dents may need the graphing calcula- tors for their tests.”
The process for checking out a calculator at the library is simple. First, students must go to the first floor of the library to the services desk, and ask for a graphing calcula- tor.
“Then they just need to show their student id or another photo ID,” Gomez said.
Students then have three hours to use the calculator in the library, or during class.
According to library policy, there are consequences for not returning a calculator on time.
“If a student goes over the 3 hours, we do have a late find of $0.50 an hour,” said Gomez.
Students who lose or fail to re- turn a calculator to the library will be fined the replacement costs of the calculator.
“If students don’t bring back li- brary material they are not able to register for the upcoming semester,” said Gomez. “So you either have to pay the fine or return it.”
Gomez said the library started checking out graphing calculators to students in 2012, after consulting with other universities who offered similar services to their students.
“I coordinated with the math de- partment here and I found out that they were checking out graphing cal- culators, but they said that it would be even better if the library would be able to provide that service.”
According to Gomez, there are five, TI-83 model graphing calcula- tors and the Southern and Dobson campus library, and two TI-83 model graphing calculators and the Red Mountain campus library.
“I chose the TI-83 collaborating with the math department because it turns out that’s the model that I think most instructors let students use,” Gomez said.
Jannine Amore, sophomore at MCC, said she bought an expensive model calculator because she did not know she could check one out at the library for free.
“I finished my last math course last semester,” said Amore. “If I could go back in time, I would never have bought a calculator.”