Narcissistic society destroys opportunity for civil discourse

Michelle Chance

Debate and argument are two communicative skills required of decent adults.

Conflict is inevitable in life, but it can provide the opportunities to improve or develop ideas expressed within a group.

However, this generation is largely incapable of practicing civil arguments with not only their peers, but with anyone at all.

For example, thanks to the internet and social media almost everyone has witnessed a misunderstanding morph into an insult-fest within minutes.

In an age of increasing social hostility bred from infectious narcissism and trendy bravado, one can feel hopeless if she still practices good old fashioned tact.

Some may argue that in order for your voice to be heard, you must yell louder than the rest.

Although this theory often attracts attention, it usually leaves you with a sore throat and a tarnished reputation.

Simply screaming insults at one another is a communication woe humans progressed from long ago.

We now have language, laws, and the freedom to respectfully disagree with each other without the threat of verbal or physical violence ensuing soon after an opinion is expressed.

I am not in favor of censoring thoughts, expressions, ideas, and opinions.

I am simply arguing that our ego-ruled society should attempt to communicate with dignity the same points they would usually argue with hostility.

Personal rights are trampled on frequently by local governments and national politics, but where is our arrogant gusto then?

Why is this generation so eager to tear each other apart, but too apathetic to stand up to real forms of systemic oppression?


We will be unable to function as a caring society capable of solving problems through disagreements and civil discourse if we continue to be voluntarily unaware and distracted with “self” while also lacking the communicative skills necessary when dealing with important disagreements.

If we keep staring into the stream admiring our own reflections, our society will without a doubt drown in its own vanity.


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