Navigating the holidays between families

Oh, sweet Thanksgiving. A holiday filled with the most important things in life: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pie, and of course, friends and family. Balancing all these important necessities on one short day can be a daunting task, so we have compiled a few pointers to make this turkey day a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable.

Having a significant other around the holidays can be fun; who doesn’t love cuddling up next to a crackling fire, not to mention the added bonus of extra gifts as well?

However, having a boyfriend or girlfriend can also add a lot of unneeded stress.
Whose house do we go to? Should we try to attend both of our families Thanksgiving celebrations?

These are questions that are sure to arise but have no fear the answer is clear.

When it comes to deciding between one house or the other, simply don’t. If both you and your partner have family in town, don’t stress out about whose house you should pass the stuffing at, and try to hit both.

That doesn’t mean that two full meals have to be eaten, there are lots of options for a double Thanksgiving celebration.

If you’re willing to wake up early Thanksgiving day, why not try to organize a Thanksgiving breakfast for your family?

That way when the dinner rolls are passed around, your stomach is not only stretched out, but you can attend dinner at your significant others without offending grandma.

If both families don’t live in town things could get tricky, but there is still no need to get anxious.

The tried and true, “Lets do my house this year and yours next” is always a good way to go, that way both partners needs are appeased.

If neither family or partner feels satisfied with that option, having a one-on-one Thanksgiving with you and your partner may be a wise option.

That way both you and your significant other’s family are treated equally, neither one being favored over the other.

Whatever way you choose to handle this seemingly stressful event, remember to sit back relax and enjoy the sweet potatoes.

Thanksgiving is about recognizing blessings and soaking up a feeling of thankfulness, so don’t worry too much about how long to stay at one house, or where to debut your wonderful new recipe for German chocolate pie, just take it easy and remember what the holidays are really about.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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