Online class more effective


Kian Hagermann
Mesa Legend

photo Kian HagermanOnline classes offer students flexibility in how they approach the pursuit of their degrees, and should be far more commonplace than they are. At the very least, all classes required to receive a degree should have an online offering, even if this offering is a hybrid class, if in person activities are a necessity of the subject being taught. It also would provide more time during the hours of operation of most businesses for students to work; making money to pay bills has to be a priority, if simply for the sheer survival of the self-sufficient. Not every undergraduate is a newly minted adult, still living under their parent’s roof, and the variety of sections for required courses should reflect this.

The idea, that being physically present in the same building with an instructor is the preeminent method for relaying information, is outmoded at best. The digital age has wrought a level of interconnectivity that is unmatched by anything previously known, and can be utilized with next to no effort or technical expertise these days. People can now ask questions of their instructors via e-mail, rather than having to raise their hand in class or wait to speak one-on-one afterwards.
Assignments can be submitted any time rather than leaving a stack of processed tree matter on a desk to be picked up. Cellphones offer instantaneous dialog to gain clarification on an issue one is having is an antiquated notion as a result.

Online classes do place the onus on students to be responsible for their education.  This shouldn’t be shied away from, and instead should be embraced as preparation for life beyond attending school. None of this is to say that schools should stop offering on-campus classes, only that online classes should be a priority when it comes to what students need to take to get their diploma.

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