Ron Paul, if you need him..

Ryan Garner

Neither left wing nor right wing, what the country needs is a man that studies the heart of the bird.


What you won’t hear from the news, if you are one of the few that still allows your views to be shaped by it, is that there has been a media black-out on perhaps the most constitutionally sound candidate to run for president since the nation’s inception.


Is it feasible that politics itself would suffer the largest blow from Ron Paul’s presidential election? If you ask anyone walking on campus how they feel about politics in general, most will give the same answer. They detest, loath, and distrust the political machine in general.


Why then is a presidential candidate that also seems to fear big government, one who favors a more hardcore constitutional approach to running our country, being practically ignored by popular media sources? Could it possibly be?


Has the media been dominated by the very same powers that would seek to keep the common man unenlightened when it comes to making informed decisions about our country?

I’m not joking when I say that the silent majority needs to begin speaking up. Let your voice be heard and start voting for something besides just weed.

Ron Paul has grown a grassroots political movement over the last two decades by representing logical approaches to difficult problems. Yes, by now we have all heard and understood one of his keynotes: The Federal Reserve is a private institution that exists outside of our government, yet somehow controls all monetary inflation and debt.


What does Ron Paul want to do about this poisonous institution?


He states himself that he plans to slowly phase it out. That doesn’t sound radical to me. If something is broken you fix it. This won’t happen overnight, as the opponents seem to imply. Ron Paul isn’t an extremist by any means. Most of his solutions to our current problems in the U.S. require a slow transition away from big government and back into a government by and for the people.


As for the CIA and the domination of medical field by corrupt insurance companies, he plans, once again, a slow phase-out.


What about the paper currency standard? You guessed it. Ron Paul aims to slowly phase out this archaically flawed system in favor of a new, gold-backed system.

Starting to see the big picture?

In fact, from what I see, the only thing that Ron Paul intends to do overnight is withdraw from war, something that our Nobel Peace Prize winning President hasn’t seemed to figure out how to do yet.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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