Sheriff Joe judging all the wrong things

Hillary Erickson

Imagine waking up tomorrow as a different race.Work and life would change in more ways than even imaginable. Would the world be accepting?

It isn’t a decision to be a certain race. When I was born I didn’t choose to be a Caucasian female.

No one has that choice, and being a different race should not change the world’s acceptance.

People shouldn’t be categorized by something as simple as genetic differences.

That doesn’t give enough information to represent the whole person.

When I look at myself in the mirror I love knowing that there is no one else in the world that looks and acts exactly like me. I am the only one of my kind.

Of course, not everyone agrees with me on this thought.

For instance, Arizona’s own Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a man who has sworn to protect takes a different stand. He was quoted in the Chicago Tribune saying that he can tell the difference of a citizen from an illegal immigrant by their appearance.

After making news around the country by harassing legal immigrants and with his many raids on the town of Guadalupe, Sheriff Joe has been widely accused of
racial profiling.

The Mayor of Guadalupe, Rebecca Jiminez, eventually confronted the Sheriff and asked him to cease his operations in Guadalupe immediately.

Sheriff Joe maintains that he’s doing his job, because the town of Guadalupe doesn’t have any other law enforcement agency.

He even fired back at his critics saying he believes that the city of Phoenix Mayor, Phil Gordon, is not doing his part in controlling illegal immigration.

“The way Sheriff Joe profiles leaves the impression that appearance has a lot to do with whether you’re allowed to be an American,” said Courtney Carder, a Glendale real estate student.

No matter the look, a human is a human. Separating into categories of race only takes away from the ability to grow. If the eye could see a human race as opposed to segregation the world could change for the better.

If all of the technology, money, and wisdom in the world was shared, war could be replaced with a long desired world peace, and all poverty diminished.

The world could move together as one, and imagine how strong a force that would be.

“There is an abundance of resources on this earth for everyone to use,” said Ryan Erickson a student at Quantum Helicopters.

When certain people withhold good from the rest it is only tearing our unity apart.

Why not join together and accept the world as one race; the human race.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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