Your vote is more valuable than gold

In the history of America, people have fought to gain rights for people of all color and sex to be able to have the right to vote. This is a battle that is often forgotten by the voters of today.

People have become lazy and embrace the bystander effect of thinking someone else will make the difference. It is our right that we make a decision and we pick the people who help to make our laws.

Change in America has to be made not just from a governmental level, but a social level as well. Individuals have to educate themselves on what they want for America, what they think would be best for the nation.

Even if it’s keeping things just the way they are, the dedication to vote is still required.

The voice of the youth today can be heard through voting in this upcoming election.

The people of the United States live in a democracy, therefore, the average person has a say in who runs this country.

The fact is that the decisions made today are going to affect the young generation the most, including generations to come.

The mistakes made today will plague the youth in the future because the youth will carry the burden on their backs.

Don’t allow the effort of those who fought for this freedom to be pushed aside as not pertinent in modern times. It’s using that right that is vital, not just having it.

On Nov. 2 we all to need to take advantage of our rights as citizens and make a decision for what is the right thing to do.

Get a pen, get some gas and drive down to the polls and make your vote count.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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