Student Success Center
Katie Yslas
Mesa Legend
Greater efficiency is result of streamlined process
Advisement, cashier services, and registration all under one roof. The heat stricken hallucination of every MCC student that has ever had to endure the frustrating, run around enrollment process of the past, has finally become a reality. After months of construction and millions of dollars later, the Mesa Community College Enrollment Center is open.
Located on the east side of campus, the Enrollment Center was constructed with the needs of both new freshmen and returning students in mind. Upon entering the Center, students are led to a self-service sign.
From there, students can wait in the spacious lobby and watch for their names to appear on one of the brand new Apple TV’s or wait for a text alert to be sent to their phone. Students are then ushered to one of the many clerk’s desks so that they may asses what further services the student may need. For the first time in 50 years, Registration, Financial Aid, Academic Advisement, Cashier Services, and Admissions are available under one roof.
Long before the construction began on the Enrollment Center, the need for a smoother, more cohesive enrollment process was painfully apparent to everyone. Students were often forced to traverse the entire campus in 120 degree heat in order to access the services that are required to enroll in classes at MCC. Then, when they finally found the service they needed, enormous lines that stretched out of the doors of tiny offices and too few faculty members available to assist students would often greet them. Their first experience at Mesa Community College left many new students frustrated and sweaty.
“From an academic point of view, it’s very important that our students get a good start,” said Dr. Roger Yohe, the Vice President of Academic Affairs at MCC. “We knew the enrollment process needed to be improved. We didn’t need many surveys or studies to know that we needed to improve that.”
Students and faculty have both praised the new Enrollment Center.
“It’s a pretty smooth process” said freshman Brandon Arana as he waited in the Center for his parking pass, “It’s pretty well thought out and the people are pretty easy going. It’s all very informational.”
Viri Valenzuela, a clerk at the Center, also spoke of how the new enrollment process is a tremendous improvement from past years. “Everything is right here. Students don’t get frustrated in the heat, walking around to different departments. It’s all one stop and I think it’s better for everyone.”

No expense was spared to improve the student enrollment process at MCC. Along with the Center another part of the $17.5 million dollar construction plan, was the newly remodeled Thunderbird Student Success Center. The T-Bird Success Center now houses the bookstore, International Affairs, Graduation, as well as a comfortable lounge for students to relax.
“When you make investments like we did with the Enrollment Center, you make a statement on what you value,” said Dr. Yohe “That’s very important to us, to support our students and to make sure they are off to a right, good start. So I think the $17.5 million was definitely worth it.