Celebrate diversity in relationships; don’t condemn it

By: Michelle Chance

“We are just two different people.” This is one of a few famous excuses someone gives during a breakup.

In reality, our society uses this excuse for getting out of nearly any kind of relationship. Whether it be ending a long-term relationship with a romantic partner, friend, or co-worker, the “we have nothing in common” justification for cutting ties is quite unoriginal.

Besides the phrase being so clichéd, it still makes me wonder why it is such a popular reason to end a relationship. Are we really so closed-minded?

Of course you are “just two different people.” Does anyone really want to date an exact clone of themselves? Well, I do know a few narcissists who might like that opportunity, but for the rest of us, I assume that part of the adventure of getting to know another person is discovering the differences in upbringing, culture, religion, language, age, gender, and race of the other person. This could also include simple differences in personality like an extrovert dating an introvert, for example.

The very essence of what makes the other person an individual apart from the rest, is to me the best part of a relationship. However, these differences often seem to erode the relationship over time, leaving barron canyons which were once filled with curiosity and admiration.

Contrasting cultural and religious differences between two people can undoubtedly be challenging for a couple to persevere through.

However, through hard work and unyielding loyalty to the relationship, a couple can face any problem together and still come out stronger in the end.

What is truly disappointing is that people in my generation seem to celebrate diversity when it is exciting, but shun the differences once the honeymoon stage is over.

In general, relationships do work better when the people involved have things in common. More importantly however, it is their differences that make the relationship more interesting.

Sure, dating someone who is exactly like you may be convenient for the first five minutes, but very quickly it becomes predictable and boring.

Instead of resorting to a break up because of so-called “irreconcilable differences,” couples should practice patience and compromise.

Welcome diversity, don’t condemn it.

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