Jerry Walker departs from MCCCD governing board

Joseph Starkloff

Jerry Walker, the MCCCD governing board secretary, attended his last meeting as a board member during the Dec. 14 assembly. Walker had been a member of the board since 2005.

East valley voters elected Dana Saar over Walker during the 2010 Nov. elctions.

Walker dedicated part of the meeting to addressing the audience about his departure as a board member, and factures that may have led to his failed re-election.

“Conservative viewpoints are not welcome in Maricopa Community College, and there are a series of events, including our recent election, that indicate that,” Walker said.

He accused MCCCD Chancellor Rufus Glasper of not engaging in as many cost saving measures as he could of in an attempt to keep high ranking employees, he labeled as “sacred cows,” with the colleges.

Walker also attacked the Faculty Political Action Committee and the Arizona Republic for distorting the truth in order to mischaracterize him.

“Those that criticize me for being too tough or speaking my mind work hard to twist the situation to fit their agenda.

“They campaigned tirelessly to get me out of the way,” Walker said.

He attributed these attacks on his character as a response to his conservative values and his opposition to the colleges’ present state of affairs.

“Granted I have pushed the envelope . (and) liberals have not liked that I’ve pushed the envelope. I believe that it is my responsibility to challenge the status quo,” Walker said.

Few made any response to Walker’s comments during the meeting, but Randolph Lumm, the board president who attended the meeting via phone due to injury, thanked Walker for his years of service.

Walker had received negative press in the past for aggressive comments he made to a student supporting the DREAM Act in the halls of the U.S. congress, and his expressed disproval of gay right advocacy groups on campus.

The board approved $1.5 million in upgrading the colleges’ information technologies for financial systems as a continuation of the $500,000 spent researching what upgrades were needed in 2009.

They approved the remodeling of the fire science building. in MCC’s downtown campus as well.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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