Kicking the ‘tumor-causing, smelly puking habit’ at the college age

Ashley Lawson

Sure. You’re young, full of life, and look really cool with that cigarette between your poorly circulating fingers, but tobacco is slowly killing you and everyone around you.
There is no escaping those billowy gray clouds of smoke as you walk through campus.
It’s hard to grasp people’s dependence on this “tumor causing, teeth staining, smelly, puking habit.”
We were taught at a young age that smoking cigarettes is bad. But, it appears when we grew up and entered college, students threw out their inhibitions and dove into the disgusting world of nicotine addiction.
Many new year’s resolutions focus on quitting this repulsive routine, and though most resolutions are not usually kept, this one should be.
Relieving your dependence on cigarettes may be the coolest thing anyone could ever do.
If you stop, the chance of getting lung cancer, emphysema, and other lung diseases will decrease.
You will have a better chance of attracting the opposite sex. Ashtrays do not smell good, and no one is trying to kiss one either.
You know that morning cough you are so fond of, which can sometimes be confused with “smokers cough?” It will have packed its bag and moved on to the next victim.
In a day without purchasing “death sticks,” you will have saved around $7. That is enough for a Chipotle burrito.
Would you rather have a Chipotle burrito, or cancer? Chipotle in your mouth trumps carbon dioxide any day.
Without purchasing cancer enhancers for one month, you might as well take a trip to the Apple store, because an extra $210 will put an iPod in your hands.
Surrendering this cult-like addiction for a year will have saved you about $2,555 and that is enough to take a trip to Europe or pay tuition for a year: that’s way better than lung cancer.
You know smoking causes all of these diseases and leaves you without Chipotle burritos and a trip to Europe, but you’re still lighting up anyway.
It is not too late to quit, smoking now is only going to lead to problems along the way.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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