MCC club celebrates Sukkot

Sarah Evans

The week of Sept. 20 the Mitzvah Club built a hut, known as a sukkah, out of wood and palm fronds in the courtyard just outside of the library.Antwan Baer, co-founder of the Mitzvah Club and Secretary of Involvement for ASMCC, helped erect the sukkah so that it could be used during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

“We are currently in the middle of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, and we erected it for the club in order to draw attention to ourselves. Hopefully, if there is anyone who is Jewish on campus, they will utilize it,” he said.

Baer stated that it is an important symbol for the holiday.

“It symbolizes the clouds of glory that God protected the Jewish people in the desert with. The roof has to be made of natural material; not manmade or processed,” Baer said.

Sukkot is a holiday, five days before Yom Kippur that lasts for a week, meant to show gratitude for Jewish freedom from Egypt; a traditional celebration said Avidor Brandenborg-Anbreasen, an avid member of the Mitzvah club.

“Sukkot is the celebration and rejoicing of the freedom from Egypt from slavery that the Jews were put into, and it is the housing that God gave us by the clouds and the home that He made for us as we walked through the desert,” he said.

The sukkah plays a big role in the holiday.

“We are brought into one specific unit location, that’s the sukkah. We sing songs, we go over the history of Judaism, what happened and why we even sit in this structure, and then we eat which is a very important thing to us.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

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