Roommate ‘switchuation’ leads to sleep deprivation

Walt Porter

Most college student’s current living situation includes roommates. MCC student Garrett Watts lives with two others; one a full-time student and the other roommate a full-time employee.”The moment that I found roommates who were compatible with my personality I was amazed that I found them in such a quick amount of time.”

Garrett believes that there are many advantages of having roommates.

“I thought it would be ideal to move in with roommates to save on expenditures, plus my roommates are pretty much everything I sought out,” Watts said.

Along with looking at the advantages, the disadvantages are just as important.

“Roommates can be distracting, especially when they are awesome and fun to be around. You are constantly running the risk of failing miserably on a test of you choose to stay up too late,” Watts said.

MCC student Giovanni Damon currently lives with his grandparents.

“My grandparents are the best people in the world, in my opinion. They do so many nice things for me it’s amazing. I don’t even have to do my own laundry.”

In exchange for rent, Damon helps his grandparents out around the house.

“It’s nice, for the most part. It’s like a mutually beneficial situation. I help around the house, and do the yard work and they buy my groceries and provide free housing,” Damon said.

“Yeah, I’ve considered finding a roommate, but at the moment, money is tight for a lot of people, and not having to shell out $400 every month is a big help for me to stay afloat. I think it’s worth a little bit of restriction to be able to save most of my money, aside from car insurance, cell phone bills, and gas,” Damon said.

When Damon decides to move he wants to take time to make the right decision.

“I’ve seen friends get pretty sick of each other. It’s a lot like moving in with a girlfriend, you don’t see the little things that would bother you until you have to share a living space with them,” Damon said.

“I think that living with a friend would be cool, as long as it’s someone I know I could get along with. I don’t want to take my chances with some random person from Craigslist who, for all I know, is a crazy person.

  • Mesa Legend Staff

    These are archived stories from Mesa Legend editions before Fall 2018. See article for corresponding author.

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