Sorry to bother you, America
A science fiction film titled “Sorry To Bother You” is one of my favorite movies of this time period and here’s why: This film aired on January 20th, 2018... Read more.
The millennial depression
Every generation holds something that is collectively significant to those who lived through trends, scandals, and societal norms and while people who have experienced... Read more.
The Woman Wave: A historic win for ladies in the 2018 midterm elections
Women are a force of nature and here’s why: Tuesday, Nov. 6 marked as a record number of women elected to Congress. Living in a man’s world presents major trials... Read more.
Universal Pictures Presents: The Era of Remakes
Wake up Hollywood, there is a huge wave of nostalgia is impacting everyone from directors to commentators on social media, I am a dedicated fan of honoring the classics... Read more.
Pro-Choice for the win
As you may know, a very important protest went on in front of the Clock Tower at Mesa Community College (MCC). I say important because this kind of protest not …... Read more.
The Clothesline Project at MCC aims to educate on domestic violence
One in four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Everytown research organization reports that the rate of intimate partner homicides in Arizona... Read more.
Misconceptions of Mental Illness
Active shooters victimize gun ownership, simultaniously terrorizing the public eye, while the media exploits murderers as mentally ill that does not support fact-based... Read more.
Dangerous Internet Trends
Viral trends and videos have an uncanny ability to strike the emotions of anyone who dares to click on a video of worthiness. The reason for why this type of …... Read more.
Privacy in Digital Age
What was once a funny concept used to mimic adult stars by swapping their faces with hollywood actors which were not suitable for work, has now turned into people... Read more.
Jokers Galore
Superheroes and villains are the perfect escape from our very mortal universe. The average citizen, turned superpower, can conquer all odds with dark punchlines... Read more.